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As the nephew of one of the Little Rock Nine, who helped first desegregate American public schools, Reggie knows intimately the importance of a quality education. That’s why throughout his life, Reggie has fought to strengthen our public schools, confront educational inequity and support hard-working teachers and school staff.


But L.A.’s public schools are still recovering from the last recession and decades of cuts, and inequality in education access to quality education remains rampant, and deeply racialized. On the City Council, Reggie will fight to provide our schools with the funding necessary to navigate this unprecedented time and will continue to make our state’s education funding system more equitable so that students all throughout California can have the same resources in the classroom.


In the Assembly, Reggie has fought to ensure a high-quality public education is available to every California student by investing in the most underserved schools, fully funding public schools, ending the school to prison pipeline, and guaranteeing free public colleges and universities, including:​


  • Earned a 100% score from the California Federation of Teachers in 2020.

  • Protected LA schools from cuts during COVID-19 crisis and provided $5.5 billion to help schools manage the impact of the pandemic.

  • Championed an overhaul of our K-12 education funding system to benefit underserved schools by providing additional funds to schools serving English learners, low-income students and students in foster care.

  • Fought to make the first two years of community college free for full time students

  • Consistently fighting for increases in Cal Grants funding to make college more affordable for working class students

  • Authored legislation that would ensure that continuation school was not used as an alternative to expulsion and that no student groups are disproportionately sent to continuation schools.

  • Authored legislation that restricts the ability of schools to place students in courses without any real classroom content.  This was in response to a lawsuit against seven school districts that found students of color, especially English Learners, were disproportionately placed in classes titled “home” or “work-experience” but did not have any true classroom content, robbing students of their education.

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